Pastoral Care Who's Who
Form Tutor:
- has daily contact with students;
- is usually the first point of contact for pastoral care concerns
Key Stage Student Support Co-ordinators:
- has daily contact with identified students who may need extra support
- works in liaison with the tutors and Heads of Learning to offer Early Help support, where appropriate.
Head of Learning:
- is responsible for day-to-day running of tutor groups;
- undertakes strategic management of the whole year group;
- resolves more serious concerns and issues
Key Stage Pastoral Leads:
- undertakes strategic management and direction of the Key Stage
- works with the Heads of Learning and other stakeholders to help students with more significant or complex pastoral concerns.
Senior Assistant Head Teacher:
- has oversight of pastoral care across the school
Principal First Aider:
- first point of contact for medical concerns
Attendance Officer:
- first point of contact for student absence and attendance concerns