Hinchley Wood School is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all our children in school. Students have a right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment which includes the right to protection from all types of abuse.
Hinchley Wood School follows the Surrey Safeguarding guidelines. The school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, Safer Recruitment Procedure, Online Safety Policy, Anti-Bullying Policy, Behaviour, Rewards and Sanctions Policy and Volunteers, Visitors, Supply Staff & Contractors – Safeguarding Procedures, are available via the links at the bottom of this page.
We have a dedicated Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Team (EWMH) in school who students can be referred to for extra support and guidance during term time. Please refer to the EWMH section for more information about this team.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Leads
The designated Staff for Child Protection are Mrs K Cullen, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) who works with a team of Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Mr L Cartlidge-Llewellyn, (Head of Learning Year 7 and DDSL Years 7 and 8)
Ms N Stevenson (Safeguarding Student Support and DDSL Year 9)
Miss R Wiscombe (Assistant Head Teacher and DDSL Years 10 and 11)
Mr R Scammel (Director of Sport and DDSL Years 12 and 13)
Mrs N Wallis (Safeguarding Administrator and EWMH Support Coordinator)
These people can be contacted on if you or your child ever have a concern about the safety or wellbeing of others in school.
If you have a child protection or safeguarding concern outside of the school term times, please contact the Surrey Children’s Single Point of Access (C-SPA)
Availability: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
- Phone: 0300 470 9100
- Out of hours phone: 01483 517898 to speak to the emergency duty team.
- Email: emails are dealt with during normal office hours.
- For concerns for a child or young person:
Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health (EWMH) Support
Hinchley Wood School is committed to supporting the emotional wellbeing and mental health of all our children in school. As well as the support offered by our Pastoral Care Team – see Pastoral Care pages – our EWMH Team is a group of adults who can offer support for individuals or small groups of students through targeted emotional wellbeing and mental health support interventions.
All requests for additional EWMH support must have the support of the child and parent/carer and are triaged by our Intervention Assessment Team. This is made up of inclusion, safeguarding and pastoral staff and allows us to ensure that the support we offer is the most appropriate for the student. Should you have any concerns about your child’s mental health or wellbeing please contact their Form Tutor or Head of Learning in the first instance.
Some of the people in the EWMH Team include:
- Mrs K Cullen, Senior Mental Health Lead
- Mrs H Trafford-Dear, Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead
- Ms N Stevenson, Safeguarding Student Support
- Miss L Rebai and Mrs C Misto, ELSAs - offer a 6 week programme of targeted Emotional Literacy support
- Ms S Bates, Body and Identity Coach – supports with self-esteem, body confidence and identity
- Mrs J Hales, Early Intervention Coordinator, East to West - works on behalf of Mindworks Surrey to provide one-to-one relational support early interventions.
- Education Mental Health Practitioners and Senior Clinicians, Elmbridge Mental Health Support Team - work on behalf of Mindworks Surrey to offer CBT based early interventions for mild to moderate anxiety based difficulties or low mood. They also offer group interventions.
Safeguarding and Wellbeing Resources and Support
We all need some support from time-to-time to keep us safe and to help us manage our mental health and wellbeing. As well as the support we can offer in school – please refer to the EWMH section - there is wealth of information and support available from a range of local and national organisations.
Here are a selection of resources available to young people, their parents and carers that we hope you will find helpful. Please contact your child’s Head of Learning if you would like further signposting for a specific issue.
Please note, in an emergency you must call 999/111 or visit A&E.
For free Emotional and Mental Health Crisis support and advice for children, young people and parents, open 24/7, please call the Surrey Mental Health Crisis Line on 0800 915 4644
Online Safety Resources and Support
As well as the work we do in school to educate our students about online safety and potential risks online, there is a lot of information available for young people, parents and carers to help us navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, and help keep our young people safe.
We would like to signpost you to a selection of resources that we hope you will find helpful.
Also, please take a look at our monthly Online Safety Newsletters for parents and carers with useful information, tips and advice about the latest developments in online, mobile, gaming, apps and social media and how to help children stay safe online.
Safeguarding Workshops and Events for Parents and Carers
We were delighted to welcome a number of parents and carers to Hinchley Wood School on 18th November 2024 for a wellbeing workshop on Self-Harm and Online Safety. Our Senior Assistant Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Cullen, has recorded a video of the Online Safety workshop presentation. If you were not able to attend the workshop, please do take a look. We hope it will give you some useful information and advice to help you support your child with this important issue.
Mrs Cullen will be running a parents and carers online safety webinar on Monday 10th February 2025 from 6-6.30pm focusing on issues around device use and ownership, supervision and parental controls and social media and gaming. More details to be sent out to parents/carers shortly.