In-Year Admissions
All admissions outside the normal Secondary School Transfer period (i.e. mid-term transfers into years 7 to 11) are handled in the first instance by the school's Admissions Team. Applicants apply using the application form which can be downloaded by clicking on the link below and then printed off. Completed application forms should be sent to the Admissions Team at the school.
Waiting Lists
Waiting lists are kept for all year groups and applicants are ranked according to our current admissions criteria which can be downloaded from the link below. The applicant at the top of the list will be contacted if there is a vacancy in the appropriate year group. We will maintain our waiting lists until the last day of the summer term, after which they will be cancelled. If you would like your child's name to be included on the waiting list for the next academic year you must submit a new in-year application, for Year 8 and Year 11. A continuing Interest form must be completed to be included in the Year 9 and Year 10 waiting list between 1 July and 31 August.
In the event that we are unable to offer a place, there is an appeals procedure that gives a parent the right of appeal to an independent committee. Notice of intent to lodge an appeal should be sent to Mrs S Grealish, Admissions Manager Hinchley Wood School, Claygate Lane, Hinchley Wood, Surrey KT10 0AQ in the first instance by email to Appeals for Hinchley Wood School are administered by Surrey Schools Appeals Service. Appeals resulting from in year applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
If you have any questions about admissions or would like to visit the school prior to making an in-year application, please contact the Admissions Assistant, Mrs Kerrie Winter on 0208 398 7161 extn 1103 or by email to
In Year Admissions Application Form - 2024/25
Admissions Criteria - Entry Year 2024 Determined Arrangements
Supplementary Information Form: Applications under Category 4.